If you are in Y3 and are keen to play competitive football for your local grassroots club, just come to Jubilee Park at 10.30 on any Saturday morning and register for the Mini-Soccer Centre. This is where we prepare players for competitive football and stream them into teams. The MSC, led by Head Coach Jack Woodley, continues to operate every Saturday, including half-term weeks, but excluding the school Easter holiday, until mid-July.
Important items for every player to have are: long socks, shin pads (a small number are available for purchase on the gate), warm tops, water, and football boots or sturdy trainers.
Every newcomer has their first session free. Payment options are weekly Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) on the gate, or online payment for the term. Prices as follows:
To purchase a full term for your child, go to https://www.afchenley.com/payments/category/other and select the relevant age group. For PAYG, we use the Zettle contactless card system.